Hank Brekke

April 08, 2015,

Demystifying iOS 8 Storage Providers

With iOS 8, Apple introduced App Extensions as a core feature of the new software. Along with custom keyboards, photo filters and a few other extensions, Document Provider and File Provider extensions together allow file storage access while keeping iOS and the iOS filesystem as tightly locked as possible. Before we can build a Storage Provider, we need to understand what is happening, and how to read the very inconsistent and non-descriptive documentation from Apple Developer. There are two parts to the Storage Provider—the Document Picker (also called “Document Provider” or “UI File Provider”) and the File Provider (also called “Non-UI File Provider”), and these two parts function very differently, but need to work together to serve documents from your service. Here’s how they work.

Target Types

Document Picker is always required, and will be the first (and only) thing users actually see with their eyes on their device. The document picker runs similar to a traditional app, with a storyboard and visual content. The main difference between this target and a traditional iOS app is that the Document Picker launches as a UIDocumentPickerExtensionViewController subclass (skipping a UIApplicationDelegate and UIWindow). Depending on your service’s capabilities, you may handle everything by the Document Picker and opt to delete the File Provider target entirely.

File Provider is usually necessary, but not required, and will run silently in the background of the device upon request from the host app. The File Provider is used to resave the document picked by the Document Picker after the host app has modified the served file, and is not necessary if you are not supporting document editing with your Storage Provider. The File Provider also ends up with several other responsibilities as well—host applications are allowed to re-request a provided document, thus bypassing the Document Picker, making the File Provider responsible to ensure that any updates that may have happened to the provided document externally are available. iOS may spin up several instances of the File Provider extension in the background, so you need to be prepared (the reasoning behind this is unknown).

Collectively, these two targets are referred to as a Storage Provider extension. It’s also important to note that Apple doesn’t like extensions running without purpose, and will kill your process if you use too much memory, aren’t actively doing something on the main thread and numerous other reasons. You also are restricted in the classes you have access to, and are completely banned from -[UIApplication sharedApplication]. If you find crashes mentioning your Personality or random SIGABRT terminations, you should look into your extension weight and device load since extensions are severely limited compared to containing apps.

Storage Provider Modes

There are several modes to a Storage Provider, and they can seem very confusing. Apple Developer’s documentation seemingly copy & pasted the descriptions of each one to the other, so we need to demystify the different modes.

Import is where the host app will be copying a file from your storage provider into their app (via the documentStorageURL middleman). After the import is complete, the Storage Provider is done handling the document.

Export to Service is where the host app is giving you a document (at the originalURL location), and asking you to pick a folder or location to save the document in your service. After completing the save, your extension is finished handling the document.

Open is similar to Import, only rather than the host app saving your document within itself, the document is kept in your documentStorageURL, and your File Provider is notified when changes occur to the document (which can occur several times in one session), asking you to resave it to your service.

Move to Service is a mix of Export and Open modes. Your extension is getting a document from the host app, and needs to pick a location to save the document, but then the host app will also start editing the newly saved document through the File Provider once the document is saved, and you will need to resave any updates.

If you only support the Import and Export modes, you can get away with not having a File Provider target, and handling everything through the Document Picker target. Otherwise you need both targets for your app extension.

Storage Provider Flow

It’s important to keep in mind that your main app will probably not be running when your storage provider is being used, and more than likely is not in the background either. Apple does not give you any permission to launch your application in a background mode, or communicate through any channel between your app extensions and main app (such as XPC on OS X). Your two extensions need to be fast, memory-conscious and independent to function properly.

When a host application launches the UIDocumentPickerViewController, iOS will launch your Document Picker extension and give you information about the documentPickerMode your provider launched with as a property of the view controller (which may or may not be set by the time viewDidLoad is called). Once your Document Picker selects an item, you can either download/upload it (depending on the Mode) inside your document picker and finish by calling -[self dismissGrantingAccessToURL:] with a file URL inside the documentStorageURL that exists, or you also have the option of dismissing the extension pointing to a file URL that does not yet exist, and having the File Provider write a placeholder file during download, and then use the File Provider rather than the Document Picker for downloading content. If you do return a non-existing file URL, Apple requires you to write a placeholder with metadata about the file that is being downloaded, and you also need to be sure that the URL string will give your File Provider enough information regarding where to download the file (relative path in your Service, etc).

After the Document Picker extension grants access to a URL, iOS will search for any File Provider extension in your App Group and launch it automatically in the background as the host app is preparing to handle your document. The File Provider extension is first asked to write a placeholder if the file being requested does not exist—in this case, you are required to write a placeholder file, however you are able to perform async HTTP URL requests to get file size, filename or thumbnail data, and call the completionHandler() once you have a placeholder written, or with any error you may encounter. The template supplied by Xcode for a Storage Provider shows you how to write the placeholder file with a static fileSize of zero.

Disclaimer: I have personally found that no code to write placeholder metadata explicitly invoked by iOS (the method startProvidingPlaceholderAtURL:completionHandler: is never called), even when the host app requests a NSFileCoordinatorReadingImmediatelyAvailableMetadataOnly coordinated read of the returned url or when you try any coordinated read of the contents returned by +[NSFileProviderExtension placeholderURLforURL:]. This would appear to be an Apple bug. There is also no documentation around a coordinated read on the placeholder metadata written (the coordinated MetadataOnly read is suppose to trigger the File Provider to start providing metadata, according to Apple Documentation).

Next, the File Provider begins to download the file from your Server. This happens in the startProvidingItemAtURL:completionHandler: method, and calls the reply block once the download succeeded or failed with an error. If the file you are providing is already on the file system and you know it’s an up-to-date copy, you can call the completion handler immediately to start serving the URL, otherwise you will need to compare the version on the device file system with the copy on Server, and download the most up-to-date file to be served if you don’t already have it. You also need to coordinate your write action, which is also demonstrated in the template supplied by Xcode. Because you are a background process, it is not important that the main thread is unblocked, so you can perform synchronous network requests without worry.

At this point, the user is able to access and edit the content of the document you served through the host app. Your File Provider is still running in the background, but should have no active tasks being performed. For Import and Export modes, this is the end of the lifecycle for your Storage Provider extension.

For Open and Move modes, you need to upload your document when the host app runs a coordinated write on your document. After the write, the itemChangedAtURL: method of your File Provider is called. It’s important to note that you no longer have a completion handler for this method. Apple’s reasoning behind this is still unknown to me. After this method is called and completes execution, your extension is immediately suspended, so you must perform only synchronous actions in this method, requiring you to add dispatch semaphores and block the calling thread if you must perform async requests. Also note that your upload may fail if the user is not connected to the internet; you only receive this call once; and that your extension probably won’t be running when the network connection is restored. Apple’s solution to these problems is for you to use NSURLSession for uploading your file, which you enqueued here, and can run even if your extension is suspended or killed. If you need to perform an authentication before upload, your Server must be setup to send a WWW-Authenticate header and HTTP-Basic, HTTP-Digest, SSL/TLS Certificate or Server Trust authentication. You also need to store the login credentials with the URL session, which gets automatically written to the device keychain, memory or other locations based on the session type.

NSURLSession authentication is beyond the scope of this article.

The final step to the File Provider is cleaning up storage space and stopping the providing of the document. In the stopProvidingItemAtURL: method, you should coordinate a delete of the file you downloaded from your Server, and according to the Xcode template, manually write the placeholder document with information about the file (even though it never gets used by iOS).

Disclaimer: I also have not seen this method get called.

You’re Finished!

At this point, you should have been able to use the complete functionality of the complex Storage Provider API. Stay tuned for a step-by-step tutorial about how to implement a Storage Provider into your app using the information from this post. Please let me know if you find any discrepancies, errors or ambiguities in this post; or if you find this post helpful when building your extension and maybe have something you’d like to add.

With the next major iOS release, lets see how much Storage Provider API Apple deprecates in favor of something else.

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